A Time of Courage by John Gwynne

A suitably epic conclusion to both series. We go straight into the action from where we left off at the end of the last book. Drassil has fallen, and our hero protagonists all need to re-group, get over their differences and prepare for the fate of the banished lands. Our POV’s are mostly all the …

A Time of Blood by John Gwynne

The Empire strikes back, can’t wait to see how this is going to play out. We start off immediately where we left off at the end of the first book. Drem is fleeing with his new companions from the mine to get back to Dun Seren, while Riv and Bleda are nursing their wounds and …

A Time of Dread by John Gwynne

Great opening to the series, it’s nice to back in the Banished Lands! It’s been over a hundred years since the events of the Faithful and the Fallen. Countries and borders have changed, and the Ben-Elim and Kadoshim are both now abroad in the land. The Ben-Elim have made it their purpose to eradicate all …

Bloody Rose by Nicholas Eames

I’d say until about the three quarter mark this was a four star read but that last quarter was so amazing with so many good moments that it brought it up to five stars. Tam is the daughter of band veterans, a warrior and a bard. Tam’s mother died when she was young and her …

Kings of the Wyld by Nicholas Eames

This was a fun and entertaining book and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The gimmick is that in this world, mercenary companies are called bands and are treated like 60’s/70’s rock bands. Saga were the biggest of them all but they all went their own separate ways and have grown old and out of touch with …

Darien by C.F. Iggulden

This is kind of like an old school heroic fantasy, none of the characters are your ‘pure’ heroes, there are dark and unpleasant aspects to all of them, but they all are generally trying to do the decent thing. There are quite a few POV characters. We have Tellius, an old man in exile who …

The Swords of Night and Day by David Gemmell

Another great entry in the Drenai saga and the second and final part of Skilgannon’s story. Unfortunately we will never know if Gemmell had planned more stories for him due to his untimely death but what we have are some of his best. This could be read as a standalone, it would give away some …

Wrath by John Gwynne

As this is the final book in a four book series I’ll keep it short and sweet. This was a great series. It is not the most original thing I have ever read, but everything it does that you might have seen before it does extremely well. It has heroes, proper heroes, and villains. For …

Ruin by John Gwynne

Another amazing book. I’m not going to go into too much detail as it’s the third book. If you’ve read this far you’ll continue, if not, it doesn’t matter. I love all the characters. I love the story. I’m kind of trying to draw it out I’m liking it this much. The author has no …

Valour by John Gwynne

Another great book, I’m really enjoying this series. We start off immediately after we left off on the previous book. I won’t go into too much details of the plot but after the end of the first book, things are not looking the best for our main protagonists. The first book was a little slow …

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